Independence Day Celebrations at Puran Murti Campus College

Posted on : 4 September, 2024 6:17 pm

The Puran Murti Campus College celebrated Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor on August 15th. The event was marked by the hoisting of the national flag, cultural performances, and speeches that filled the atmosphere with a sense of pride and unity.

The celebrations began early in the morning with the gathering of students, faculty, and staff on the college grounds. The event started with a warm welcome by the college principal, who highlighted the importance of Independence Day and urged everyone to remember the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters.

At the heart of the event was the flag hoisting ceremony. The chief guest, a respected dignitary from the local community, had the honor of hoisting the tricolor. As the flag unfurled and fluttered high, the national anthem resonated through the campus, evoking a deep sense of patriotism among all present.

Following the flag hoisting, students presented a series of cultural performances that included patriotic songs, dances, and skits depicting the struggles and achievements of India’s freedom movement. The performances were not only entertaining but also served as a reminder of the values that the nation stands for—freedom, unity, and diversity.

The principal’s speech was another highlight of the day. He emphasized the role of youth in shaping the future of the nation and encouraged students to be responsible citizens who contribute positively to society. The event concluded with a vote of thanks, followed by the distribution of sweets, symbolizing the joy and unity of the occasion.

The Independence Day celebrations at Puran Murti Campus College were a beautiful blend of tradition, pride, and a commitment to building a better future for the nation.